Our Podcasts and Webinars Cover The Latest Trends In
Business Products With A Panel Of Experts In The Field.

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Recent Episodes

Episode 1: STEAM

How is the education sector integrating STEAM in their curriculum and what trends are we seeing in how our students and teachers are engaging in this real world learning experience?
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Episode 2: Furniture Design Trends

In this podcast, we discuss what’s new in office furniture, workplace design, and how it impacts employee productivity and creativity. We also discuss how manufacturers keep up with customer needs and requirements.
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Episode 3: Learn From Home

COVID-19 has meant we all have to adapt and find new ways to keep delivering what we do in a new way. This Podcast discusses how parents and educators have had to pivot in order for education to stay moving ahead.
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Episode 4: Return To Work

The importance of health and safety in the workplace was always an essential task, but what we have learned from the impacts of the recent pandemic is that employers must be aware of all interactions in a new light as employees return to work.
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Episode 5: Proper Hygiene For Education – Returning To School

Returning to school premises is an uncertain time for students, teachers and school staff but with the right planning, it is possible to stay safe and within current COVID-19 guidelines.
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Episode 6: Reconfiguring Your Workspace Post COVID-19

We offer practical advice on adapting your workspace to fit in line with new requirements physical distancing requirements post COVID-19. We discuss design and how to get employees and clients back to work safely.
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Episode 7: Productivity, Collaboration and Online Presence for Businesses

What have we learned post-Covid-19 and how is a businesses’ online presence important? What is imperative during this new norm of working from home and what is needed to create a productive workspace environment?

With us in this podcast is Lindy Sood representing the organization 3M. She is a Mom entrepreneur on a mission that has created her own website called lovepoweredco.ca. We also have Alan Sifuentes, General Manager of Chameleon digital media. He is an accomplished media professional with over 10 years of digital marketing experience. Lastly, we have Maggie Clark, Senior Manager, Business Essentials, and Strategy at Staples Professional.

Her expertise lies in proving strategic direction and solutions for our core lines of business within all customer segments.

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Webinar | Create A Healthy, Productive Home Office

Fellowes Webinar | Ergonomic Home Office

Whether you are working from home for the first time or a seasoned pro, we know that on top of taking care of your mental wellness, we can all learn more about how to best take care of physical wellness. This webinar is designed to support both individuals and managers planning their teams’ needs. Dr. Andrew Sulatycki will provide tips and tricks on how to set up your workstation ergonomically. The below will be covered in the 1-hour session:
• How to ergonomically set-up your home workspace
• The benefits of ergonomics
• How an ergonomic set up can help you be more productive
• The potential long-term effects when you ignore the pain